Albizu's Psy.D. program invites you to join the "Tele-Neuropsychology in Hispanic countries: Are we really prepared for this?" webinar!
It will be presented by the recognized Neuropsychologist, Dr. Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, and Albizu graduate, Dr. Paula Karina Perez.
Click the...
Email for link to webinar
Students experience many changes during their educational journeys, such as the one we are currently living through - COVID-19. This week we share the stories of two AU students who overcame challenges that might be similar to yours to...
Title V PPOHA Graduate Fellowship Application Now Open
(Please post on May 4, 2020)
Calling AU Students join the APA 7th edition transition webinar
Friday, May 1, 2020 at 2pm ET
Email for Webinar Link
The Office of Student Affairs is developing a digital gallery of our community's experiences with COVID19 - send your photo for inclusion to We will be sharing the link to the gallery this week.