Welcome to the ALUMNI Network

Miami Alumni Network: Committed to encouraging lifelong education.

Albizu University has more than 8,000 alumni, ambassadors who use the knowledge and training gained at Albizu to encourage positive change in their communities and promote our institution around the world. The Albizu University Alumni Network is your connection to these fellow alumni.

The Alumni Network is the oldest organization on campus not directly related to academics. Governed by a volunteer board of directors, the association is committed to encouraging lifelong education, providing quality services and programming to alumni, and assisting in the continued development and enhancement of your alma mater. Its programs include an informative website for alumni, a subscription to the institutional newsletter, free continuing education workshops, meetings and activities, among others.

If you studied at Albizu University, the Miami Institute of Psychology, or Centro Caribeño de Estudios Post-Graduados, you are invited to become a member of the Alumni Network and help us further enhance our university. Your membership tells others that you support higher education while enabling you to network with fellow Albizu alumni.

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of the Albizu University Graduate Student Center!

Good day Albizu family, This correspondence serves to remind you of the grand opening Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of the Albizu University Graduate Student Center, (GSC), September 3, 2024, 6:00 pm ET....

“It’s coming!”

Your Interim Chancellor Dr. Sharrie R. Dean sharing "It’s coming!" September 3, 2024: Title V PPOHA Grant, Albizu University, GRADUATE STUDENT CENTER, Miami Campus


En seguimiento al primer comunicado y al boletín oficial de las 5:00 p.m. emitido por el Centro Nacional de Huracanes, les informamos que todos los empleados y la facultad...

La Administración de Veteranos de EE. UU. triplica las concesiones de becas para educación...

Excelentes noticias para los estudiantes de la Universidad Albizu de Miami que aspiran a ser profesionales de la salud mental: pueden lograr una carrera gratificante mientras ayudan a los...


El Centro Nacional de Huracanes ha emitido un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical para Puerto Ricoy las islas aledañas ante el paso del Potencial Ciclón Tropical Cinco (PTC5). Nos mantenemos...

Andrea Sambuccetti

Univision News Correspondent

“Albizu University gave me more than an extraordinary academic learning experience, because It helped me to grow personally as much as professionally, and I will be always more than thankful for having this in my life”.