“We are very happy to announce that Albizu University has joined an exciting new partnership with The Doral Chamber of Commerce. Albizu University will continue to work together with The Doral Chamber of Commerce towards a common goal; building...
Amid the political turmoil this month were two high profile suicides that would have been altogether buried in the avalanche of politically partisan headlines but for the determination of the victims’ families to share the story of their tragedies. On...
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 2:30 pm Live with the Service Units – Finance and Registrar Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81959619284?pwd=ckQwcjVTRUxQL2p6OGEvTmRBaVRsdz09 Meeting ID: 856 5422 8742, Passcode: 814081
Mantener un estilo de vida saludable ante jornadas largas de estudio permite enfrentar los retos de manera efectiva, y obtener las metas académicas con bienestar integral. Por consiguiente, escucha las recomendaciones que ofrece la educadora en salud de First...
Extending a warm congratulations to our student presenters and awardees at the 2021 APA Convention!
Samantha Hernandez, MS, CCC-SLP a student in our PhD for Human Services program and Assistant Professor in our MSLP program presented research at the 1st Dysphagia Research Society Institute for Education(DRSIE) 2021 Fall Conference.
El Centro de Tutorías es una de las herramientas que te ofrece el Decanato de Estudiantes para promover tu desarrollo académico.  Te invitamos a que escuches y conozcas sobre los servicios que ofrece el Centro, y cómo éste puede...
Addictive disorders are complicated. They innately involve potentially harmful behaviors. For example, clients may describe past, present, or future threats to their own safety or the safety of others. They may admit to involvement in illegal behaviors. They may...