Institutional Marketing & Communications Office

Welcome !

The Marketing and Communications Office is composed of an experienced team with expertise in traditional and digital marketing, media relations, design, advertising, website development, social media and other communications. The team is here to help Albizu University achieve their marketing and communications goals.

Faculty and Staff

Marketing and Communication Standard Procedure

All of the following areas need to be submitted through the Marketing and Communication Office:

  • Media relations (before any information is released to media concerning internal or external matters that impact the University)
  • All Advertising for external use
  • All Advertising and Media Placement
  • Signage review (interior and exterior)

All designs developed by departments for internal use need to abide by the Albizu Style Guide to ensure consistency with the standards within this manual.

To request marketing services, fill out the online Project Request Form

Official Statements

Version Español

La Universidad Albizu está acreditada desde 1974 por la Middle States Commission on Higher Education.  El Recinto de San Juan y el Centro Universitario de Mayagüez están autorizados para operar mediante licencia de renovación de la Junta de Instituciones Postsecundarias (anterior Consejo de Educación de PR).

La Maestría en Ciencias (M.S.) en Patología del Habla y Lenguaje está acreditada por el Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.  El Doctorado en Psicología (PsyD) en Psicología Clínica y el Doctorado en Filosofía (PhD) en Psicología Clínica del Recinto de San Juan están acreditados por la American Psychological Association (APA). 

English Version

Albizu University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education since 1974.  The San Juan Campus and its Mayaguez University Center have authorization to operate through a license of renovation by the Puerto Rico Board of Postsecondary Institutions (JIP).

The Master of Science (M.S.) Speech and Language Pathology education program at Albizu University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology programs on the San Juan Campus have been accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). 

Accreditation Statement

Request a Marketing Project

Click Here to submit all marketing, media, communications related projects in Puerto Rico

Click Here to submit all marketing, media, communications related projects in Miami

All requests must attach this “Brief document” to help us understand your initiative in detail manner. If you were to submit 4 or 5 items for the same event, the attached brief needs to be submitted only once (the first time). Last, please note that each element needed must be submitted individually through Smartsheets, in order to track each one individually.

Request a Post in Albizu Infocentral

In order to request a staff or faculty post to be published, please go to the request form and fill the information required. The post will be assigned to an editor who will revise and approve your request.

Content Guidelines (Editors and Authors only)

If you have Author or Editor access to the Albizu Infocentral WordPress backend , please follow the guidelines below for creating a post and attaching an image, video, or document.

Media Resources


All designs developed by departments for internal use need to abide by the Albizu Style Guide to ensure consistency with the standards within this manual. To request marketing services, fill out the online Project Request Form

Communications involving issues with university-wide significance and/or are of a controversial sensitive in nature, a campus emergency, major crisis or negative media are to be notified immediately to the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief of Staff with a copy to the corresponding Chancellor of the Campus where the situation occurred.

Campus Emergency / Crisis:

Communications involving issues with university-wide significance and/or are of a controversial sensitive in nature, a campus emergency, major crisis or negative media are to be notified immediately to the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief of Staff with a copy to the corresponding Chancellor of the Campus where the situation occurred.

Media opportunities:

Our public relations firm from the Institutional Marketing and Communication Office will coordinate all media releases or media opportunities intended for off-campus or external audiences.  They will also provide media training and best practices to share news and respond to media.


A request to write and issue a press release for an announcement or event must be made at least two weeks prior to the event date or announcement date. The request can be made by e-mailing the Marketing and Communications Office at 

Background to Include:

When requesting a press release, include as much background information as possible. Answer the following questions: who, what, when, where, why. If you submit photographs, you must include the names of everyone who appears in the image and credit the photographer.

Media Contacts

Karla Lopez

Chief Marketing Officer

Dr. Bertha Rios

Chief of Staff

Dr. Julio Santana

Chancellor of the Campus in Puerto Rico and Centro de Mayaguez

Tilokie Depoo, Ph.D

Chancellor of the Miami Campus


YouTube Best Practices

To upload content on YouTube related to the university, faculty or staff, please follow our YouTube guidelines.

Zoom Background

Download here Albizu’s Branded High Definition Backgrounds, ready for Zoom as Virtual Backgrounds.

Brand Guidelines

For any branded university marketing and communication pieces, find below Albizu University’s brand book, which provides information related to style and guide.

Official AU Templates

Please find below the available ready-to-use templates for official use on all AU communications.

For more information or any questions, contact