La sexualidad es parte de una vida integral, por tanto, participa de la Clínica de Sexualidad Responsable el 29 de septiembre de 2024, en el Recinto de San Juan y Centro Universitario de Mayaguez. ¡No faltes!
Miami, FL (August 26, 2024)—Albizu University today announced that Dr. Nelson E. Soto has been appointed to the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) Council of Presidents. The council leverages its members' experience, perspectives, and insights...
Albizu University President Dr. Nelson E. Soto, Miami Interim Chancellor Dr. Sharrie R. Dean, and Team Miami...The round table discussion of collaborative measures of excellence with City of Doral Councilman Rafael Pineyro, yielded a great day of work!
Albizu University President Dr. Nelson E. Soto, Miami Interim Chancellor Dr. Sharrie R. Dean, Dr. Gilda Rodriguez, and CMO Karla Lopez. The round table discussion of collaborative measures of excellence with Miami Dade County, District 11, Councilman Christian E....
En seguimiento al primer comunicado y al boletín oficial de las 5:00 p.m. emitido por el Centro Nacional de Huracanes, les informamos que todos los empleados y la facultad podrán continuar sus labores de manera remota man ana, 13...