Message from the Dean of Student Affairs



Dr. Sharrie R. Dean

“Dean Dean”

Message from the Dean of Student Affairs


Greetings to you…The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, is listening to you. We are accessible to you via the link on Albizu’s website, or by visiting our office, or by seeing Dean Dean in the AU parking lot at night! Feel free to contact us, whether you are walking, emailing, calling, or via online correspondence and communication.

We are dedicated to supporting the academic and personal development of all students. Yes, this includes online Program students and in-person Program students, and whether you are enrolled in online, hybrid or in-person courses. As Dean, I am intent on assisting you in developing, planning and implementing your short and long-term goals, into becoming accomplished, global citizens.

At Albizu University, student engagement is paramount. Do take advantage of the opportunities presented for you that all work in tandem to navigate your academic journey, and elevate your academic successes. It is through these measures that you will find greatest academic rewards and benefits for your life, becoming the best alum possible; making a difference in the community, and thus the world.

Do reach out to me. I am looking forward to speaking with you!

Dr. Sharrie R. Dean

Dean of Student Affairs

Miami Campus