Midterms will be taking place between February 14 to 28th. Please prepare and book an appointment with a tutor or a coach - see the links below. Take advantage of our many short videos and recorded workshops in our...
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm Live with the Service Units – Registrar Presented by Fina Campa Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84671309053?pwd=ZEFCM0xXcHlnVVpUT3RKeDl2UDBxQT09
LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81875201423?pwd=REppZUtFWkljdVF3Tldod2pYN05Gdz09
Your Office of Student Affairs is here to Engage and Support You Advisement and Registration for the Spring 2022 semester is underway. Please contact your faculty advisor and schedule an appointment in order to register for Spring.  Remember midterm exams...
Remember midterm exams are next month. Take advantage of our free tutoring services.   Resources for our Students (bookmark these on your PC or Laptop) Student Success Portal: https://bb.albizu.edu/ultra/organizations/_9255_1/cl/outline  Tutor and Coaching Appointments: https://www.picktime.com/albizututoring  Graduate Student Research Center: https://www.picktime.com/albizugraduatecenter  Live Calendar: https://www.albizu.edu/events-calendar/  Self Service: https://selfserv.albizu.edu ITS...
Did you know that our student success center offers virtual and in-person tutoring? Please click on this link to book an appointment - our tutors are here to serve you. https://www.picktime.com/albizututoring
Welcome to the Fall 2021 Semester! We begin the term with enthusiasm to serve you and to support your academic success.   Week of August 30, 2021 Events  New and Continuing Student Blackboard Training Presented by Nestor Del Valle, Sponsored by...
Aliens, religious and political intrigue, secret world-domination societies and other far-fetched and not-so-far-fetched topics have been fueling conspiracy theories for years, decades and centuries. But why are conspiracy theories believed? Let’s face it, some are completely outlandish and others...
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm Alumni Job Talk Featuring Dr. Thayra M. Zambrana-Nieves Sponsored by the Alumni Network and the Office of Student Affairs Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83253489551?pwd=NlliVWRDNmtwYTUrbXZKRzFLSFN1dz09 Meeting ID: 832 5348 9551, Passcode: 275593
Join us May 5, 2021 on this virtual informative session from 11 am to 1 pm of our Master of Science in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and learn more about one of our signature programs. Please join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87424854968