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Today's Announcement

October Calendar

Good day Albizu family, This correspondence serves to remind you of the grand opening Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of the Albizu University Graduate Student Center, (GSC), September 3, 2024, 6:00 pm ET. Please see details on the attached flyer.  The event will...
Miami, FL (August 26, 2024)—Albizu University today announced that Dr. Nelson E. Soto has been appointed to the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) Council of Presidents. The council leverages its members' experience, perspectives, and insights...

“It’s coming!”

Your Interim Chancellor Dr. Sharrie R. Dean sharing "It’s coming!" September 3, 2024: Title V PPOHA Grant, Albizu University, GRADUATE STUDENT CENTER, Miami Campus

Fall 2024 Club Fair

El Centro Nacional de Huracanes ha emitido un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical para Puerto Ricoy las islas aledañas ante el paso del Potencial Ciclón Tropical Cinco (PTC5). Nos mantenemos atentos a los boletines y comunicados oficial es del Centro...