Dr. Natacha Janac is a 2022 Albizu Alum an involved in the addressing mental health needs among underserved communities. Listen to her discuss the challenges and opportunities in addressing mental health needs among the Haitian population in Miami. ...
In Partnership with Canine Assisted Therapy, a local Miami Nonprofit Organization, the Office of Student Affairs shall have several pet friends available for students to come by and de-stress. This is part of our Wellness Program; don't miss out...
Don't miss out on the our Wellness Student Event - Yoga and Soundbowls De Stress in a peaceful environment while stretching and breathing!

Be Midterm Ready!

Just a gentle reminder that Midterms are coming. Book a tutoring or an Academic Coaching Appointment https://www.picktime.com/albizututoring
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 10AM EST - Click on Link to Join https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85491169995?pwd=SDhwaUwzQmtVY2VTRDhqZFd6UnczZz09#success
Presented by: Lisa M. Najavits, PhD. - Director of Treatment Innovations; and adjunct professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School. She was on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for 25 years and was a research psychologist at Veterans Affairs...
Need help navigating Albizu University? Need a study buddy? Our student success coaches are ready to support you! See their virtual drop in hours below. You can even schedule to meet with them in person. SSC Nicole Liu       Tuesdays 5 pm...
Need Blackboard Support? We have several virtual drop in sessions for you! Spring 2023 Blackboard Training go to https://tinyurl.com/aunewstudent   Monday, January 9th – 6 to 7 pm EST Tuesday, January 10th – 6 to 7 pm  EST Wednesday, January 11th – 6 to 7 pm EST Thursday, January 12th – 6...
Spring 2023 Blackboard Training go to https://tinyurl.com/aunewstudent   Tuesday, January 5th – 6 to 7 pm  Monday, January 9th – 6 to 7 pm  Tuesday, January 10th – 6 to 7 pm   Wednesday, January 11th – 6 to 7 pm  Thursday, January 12th...