The Miami Campus Student Council is pleased to announce that the annual call for poster submission abstracts is extended to October 10, 2020 for the South Florida Student Research Symposium.
The submission must include a brief (500-word maximum) 1-page structured abstract of the research project, using the following section headings: Background & Aims, Method, Results, and Conclusions. It is also expected that empirically-based proposals are derived from completed research, or at least from work which is complete enough in terms of data collection and analysis so that preliminary conclusions can be drawn. Abstracts for case reports can use the following headings: Aims (or Background & Aims), Case Description(s), and Conclusions.
Submission implies agreement to present at the symposium should the abstract be accepted for poster presentation. Posters must follow the template provided by the institution.
*Please indicate on your submission the full name of the program in which you are currently enrolled as a student (e.g., B.S. in Criminal Justice, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. in Human Services).
If you need support with your abstract submission please contact The Graduate Student Center Director, Ms. Amanda Giust at Writing tutors are also available to support you – email to make an appointment or go to: and schedule an appointment with Dr. Green, Rita Rivera, Heidys Prieto, or Mario Barros.
Questions about the Symposium? Email: