Career and Coaching Services


Students please tap into our career and academic coaching services!

Career Services 

Our career services staff are also available to assist you with your resume and cover letter review. Schedule an appointment today at  Our academic support centers are open (virtually and physically) and ready to serve you. Please don’t wait until the last minute to schedule an appointment with our tutors for assistance with your courses.   

Tutoring and Coaching Services 

We are now offering limited on-campus tutoring. Please see the attached Revised SU21 Tutoring Schedule for days and times for on-campus tutoring. To schedule an appointment with our Tutors or Academic Coaches click on the following link, you can also access the Student Success Portal at for job board updates, to schedule tutoring appointments using the digital scheduler, access forms, student success blog, the monthly event calendar, student resource directory, tutorials, APA 7 and writing helps, and many other resources that have been developed for your use (you have to be logged into Bb to access this site under the Organizations tab).   Finally, please note that our student success blog is available, and our academic counselor has developed a student success newsletter titled  – The Counselor, which is posted on the blog! The link is