Public Meeting Announcement for Accreditation: MS in Speech-Language Pathology, Albizu University Miami Campus/Distance Education Programs

  • date: 9/26/2022
  • time: 4:45 PM – 5:30 PM
  • location: Via Zoom and on campus• maps

contact:  Dr. Lizzette Roman at

AU’s SLP graduate program is undergoing accreditation with an in-person site visit on September 26-27, 2022. In accordance with the CAA’s Public Comment policy and procedures, the CAA is seeking public comment as part of the review of the AU SLP Master’s program.

To participate in the Zoom or Campus meeting sign up here >>
View the public meeting announcement flyer >>

The Master of Science (MS) education program in Speech-Language Pathology (Residential & Distance Education) at Albizu University Miami Campus is an Applicant for Accreditation by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.


Individuals who wish to provide input about a CAA-accredited program seeking continued accreditation may do so in 2 ways:

  1. Submit written comments prior to the accreditation site visit. All comments are due in the Accreditation Office no later than 15 days before the first day of the scheduled site visit. Comments received after this time will not be forwarded to the site visit team for consideration during the accreditation review, in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter XII of the Accreditation Handbook. Comments may be submitted by email (, fax (301-296-8570), or mailed to Accreditation Public Comment, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA), 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850. 
  2. Provide comments to the site visit team during the program’s scheduled site visit

All comments must:

  • Relate to a program’s compliance with the current Standards for Accreditation
  • Identify the program as seeking initial accreditation with the CAA.
  • All written testimony—including comments faxed or submitted as e-mail attachments–must include the commenter’s name, address and telephone contact information and the commenter’s relationship to the program in order for Accreditation staff to verify the source of the testimony. All comments must be signed.

Comments that do not meet these requirements will not be considered, and the individual or group commenting will be notified.

The Standards for Accreditation and the CAA’s Public Comment policy and procedures are available in the Accreditation Handbook. These documents may also be obtained by sending a written request to the Accreditation Office.

PLEASE NOTE: In addition to these opportunities for providing public comment regarding a program’s accreditation status, the CAA has separate procedures for filing a formal complaint about a CAA-accredited program or one seeking a CAA accreditation status. Individuals who wish to file a formal complaint should contact the Accreditation Office to obtain a copy of the complaint procedures, or refer to the Procedures for Complaints Against Graduate Education Programs.