Dive into the newest Albizu Magazine edition and get ready to be amazed! From philanthropy tips to emotional intelligence insights, our students, alumni, and faculty have poured their hearts into these articles. Get your mental gears turning and read...

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 Introducing our new marketing website pages, designed to boost your success: 📋 Updated SOPs for seamless operations. 💡 Enhanced Social Media Guidelines for impactful online presence. 📅 Streamlined project request processes for efficiency. 🎙️ Effective Communication and Media Relations SOPs...


Dean Dean ensuring student life success at Albizu University, Miami Campus. Dr. Sharrie R. Dean, Dean of Student Affairs.
2024 on to a great start with Albizu University Office of Student Affairs, Miami and students. Spring term brings a Happy New Year with Dean Dean! 
#ILoveAlbizu Greetings to you…The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, is listening to you. We are accessible to you via the link on Albizu’s website, or by visiting our office, or by seeing Dean Dean in the AU parking...
El Centro de Tutorías es una de las herramientas que te ofrece el Decanato de Estudiantes para promover tu desarrollo académico.  Te invitamos a que escuches y conozcas sobre los servicios que ofrece el Centro, y cómo éste puede...
Mantener un estilo de vida saludable ante jornadas largas de estudio permite enfrentar los retos de manera efectiva, y obtener las metas académicas con bienestar integral. Por consiguiente, escucha las recomendaciones que ofrece la educadora en salud de First...
Nos emociona compartir con nuestra comunidad un evento exclusivo que destaca la esencia y el profundo impacto del liderazgo. Exhortamos a todos a unirse a nuestro presidente, doctor Nelson E. Soto, durante el foro "Atreverse a trascender: una versión...
We are excited to share an exclusive event highlighting courageous leadership's essence and profound impact. Join our President, Nelson E. Soto, for the forum "Daring to Transcend: An Unedited Version of Courageous Leadership". This hybrid event is organized by...