While “sides” may not be the most technically correct term to describe the many branches of psychology, it does work in conveying that the study of the mind and human behavior has many approaches dedicated to it. Over-simplification aside,...
Let’s imagine a scenario: it’s hundreds of thousands of years ago and two cavemen meet for the first time in the forest. Spoken language hasn’t been invented yet, so our pair of primitives have to rely on something else...
March 22 2021 - While technology has always been an integral part of modern society, its usefulness has certainly seen an exponential boom since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is scary to imagine what it would have...
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 2:30 pm Live with the Service Units – Finance and Registrar Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81959619284?pwd=ckQwcjVTRUxQL2p6OGEvTmRBaVRsdz09 Meeting ID: 856 5422 8742, Passcode: 814081
Aliens, religious and political intrigue, secret world-domination societies and other far-fetched and not-so-far-fetched topics have been fueling conspiracy theories for years, decades and centuries. But why are conspiracy theories believed? Let’s face it, some are completely outlandish and others...
Save the Date!

Fall 2021 Update

Extending a warm congratulations to our student presenters and awardees at the 2021 APA Convention!