Online learning can be challenging for Hispanic students, whose culture values dialogue, caring, and a shared celebration of their cultural heritage. Although this need for intense engagement may seem at odds with the concept of remote learning, it can... Remote Learning Has Actually Brought Us Closer, Albizu University Chancellor Tells Miami’s Community Newspapers  Most college-bound students’ primary worry about how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact them has focused on potential loss of the classic academic social experience, Albizu University Chancellor Tilokie...
Lifestyle continues to reach out to businesspeople all over South Florida to ask questions about the impact COVID-19 has had on their businesses—and what the future holds. Today, we check in Tilokie Depoo, chancellor of the Miami campus of Albizu University. Business...
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Boletín Informativo

Recientemente la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología (SIP) reconoció el patrocinio y colaboración de nuestra institución para celebrar exitosamente su congreso virtual. Nos enorgullece ser parte de este proyecto y reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la organización. La Albizu ofreció...
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Greetings. Sometimes difficult situations prevent us from reflecting on the blessings in our lives, and it makes it even more challenging to recognize that each moment we live is a gift. This year has challenged us, but it showed us that...

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