Remember midterm exams are next month. Take advantage of our free tutoring services.
Resources for our Students (bookmark these on your PC or Laptop)
Student Success Portal:
Tutor and Coaching Appointments:
Graduate Student Research Center:
Live Calendar:
Self Service:
ITS or Bb Support:
Student Success Blog (check out the Dean’s Corner):
Important Dates to Remember:
October 11th – Columbus Day Holiday (Miami Campus is Closed)
October 12th – 25th – Midterm Exams
October 28th – Deadline to apply for Masters Comprehensive Exams
October 29th – Deadline to apply for Doctoral Comprehensive Exams
This Week’s Events
This week’s events provide you with opportunities to obtain support and speak to staff and students. The Spiritually Psyched Society is hosting Spiritual Divorce Therapy: Energy Entanglement; Dr. Amanda Giust will be hosting the Graduate Student Writing Circle, and Dr. Renaldy Fabien will be hosting a Weekly Writing Circle. I would also like to thank all the students that joined us on Saturday for the Welcome Back Drive By. It was really nice to meet you. Remember, if there is a topic you are interested in hearing more about or an event you are interested in facilitating, please let me know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Spiritual Divorce Therapy: Energy Entanglement
Presented by Joyce Haddad
Hosted by the Spiritually Psyched Society

Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Graduate Student Writing Circle
Presented by Dr. Amanda Giust
Sponsored by the Graduate Student Research Center

Friday, October 1, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Weekly Writing Circle
Presented by Dr. Renaldy Fabien, Sponsored by the Graduate Student Research Center
Career Services
Our career services staff are also available to assist you with your resume and cover letter review. Schedule an appointment today at Our academic support centers are open (virtually and physically) and ready to serve you. Please don’t wait until the last minute to schedule an appointment with our tutors for assistance with your courses.
Counseling Services
Ms. Brendaliz Zanetti, our academic counselor is available to meet with students experiences stress and anxiety, or who need crisis intervention. Please contact her at
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to student affairs at or to me at