Fostering Student Resilience During COVID-19

This post was written by Rita M. Rivera, M.S., and Denise Carballea, M.S., members of the Hospital, Healthcare, and Addiction Workers, Patients and Families working group of the COVID Psychology Task Force (established by...

High-Profile Suicides Provide Grim Reminders of a Growing Problem

Amid the political turmoil last month were two high-profile suicides that would have been altogether buried in the avalanche of politically partisan headlines but for the determination of the...

Need to Write a Cover Letter?

Monday, February 11th at 2:00 pm Webinar: Cover Letters Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and Career Services Zoom link: Meeting ID: 867 9935 4035,  Passcode: 906893

Student Council Virtual Lunch!

Tuesday, February 16th at 1:00 pm Student Council Virtual Lunch Zoom link: Meeting ID: 882 4140 3991

Simplifying Stress

A guide for stressing more productively. Stress has a pretty bad reputation simply because it is often misunderstood. We continually hear people say that we need to remove stress from...