Orlando Castro Counsels and Assesses Pro Sports Athletes Worldwide; He Also Helps Young People Right Here At Home in Miami Licensed Mental Health Therapist and Director of the Adolescent Unit at Larkin Hospital. Albizu University is changing the world by...
If you are building a resume, it’s important to use action words. After this workshop, you will be able to demonstrate your experience using action words to create an impactful, accurate, and detailed resume of your relevant knowledge. Using...
Albizu University's Miami PsyD Program Helps Fill Critical Shortage Nationwide MIAMI, Fla. – Noted at its December 2, 2021 Commencement Ceremony, Albizu University Miami Campus has graduated the most Hispanic female psychologists in Florida from its Doctor of Psychology program (PsyD), meeting a critical...
2 de enero de 2022 (San Juan, PR) –La Junta de Síndicos de la Universidad Albizu anunció el retiro del Dr. José Pons Madera como Presidente de la Institución.  Durante los pasados 5 años bajo la presidencia del Dr....
1 de diciembre de 2021, 3:00pm-5:00pm en el Salón 311 Apertura de la Jornada Dr. Julio Santana, Rector de la Universidad Albizu Lcda. Lersi Boria, Procuradora de las Mujeres Dra. Migna Rivera, Directora Interina del Programa Graduado de Psicología en Consejería Psicológica El impacto...
La Universidad Albizu celebró el pasado viernes, 5 de noviembre sus primeros actos de graduación de manera presencial desde que se activaron protocolos de distanciamiento para lidiar con la pandemia del covid 19. Los 889 estudiantes que integraron las...
Miami campus students please remember to set your clocks back Saturday night into Sunday the 7th.

Morning Yoga

Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 9:00 am Morning Yoga - Bring a Friend, Relax, and enjoy a smoothie on us! Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs Location: On campus 
We still have a few spaces left for our students and alumni - Friday, November 5, 2021 from 11:00 am to 4:45 pm   Student Professional Headshots Book your appointment at: https://www.picktime.com/professionalheadshot